Second health worker in US contracts Ebola, CDC fails to accept responsibility

On October 15, 2014, another female hospital worker in Dallas, Texas has tested positive for Ebola, after treating Ebola’s ‘Patient Zero,’ Thomas Eric Duncan. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to obfuscate the facts, while failing to acknowledge that its guidelines are grossly inadequate, providing only minimum level of protection.

Ebola is highly infectious. At the peak of illness, an Ebola patient can have 10 billion viral particles in one-fifth of a teaspoon of blood, making it more contagious than hepatitis A, B and C, as well as H.I.V.Researchers can study bubonic plague at level 3, but Ebola and other transmissible and incurable virusesmust be quarantined at Biosafety level 4. Protective gear recommended by the CDC provides only level 2 of protection – grossly inadequate for protecting health workers and other patients.

On October 14, 2014, Sudanese Ebola patient died in German hospital. He was the third Ebola patient to arrive in Germany in recent weeks, and the first to die. None of the medical workers in Germany have tested positive for Ebola. What are they doing differently? Treating Ebola the way medical professionals and researchers know it has to be treated: at the highest level of Biosafety: BSL-4.

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